Sunday, February 5, 2012

On Pregnancy (1)

It's an indescribable feeling knowing that you're never fully alone.  That someone is always with you (literally & physically).  That someone is directly impacted by your every move, every ingestion, every breath.  That you are carrying another living person inside of you.

 (note, this is not one of my ultrasound photos, but on that note, I was completely shocked to find out that you typically only get 2 ultrasounds throughout your pregnancy; a dating ultrasound around 10 weeks & then an anatomy scan around 18-20 weeks.  & potentially a  third ultrasound if you do a first trimester downs screening.  Here I was expecting to get to see the little one at least once every month or two...)

I know, it is cliche to say, but once I picked myself up off the floor after the shock of finding out I was expecting, I immediately felt that my life was forever changed.

I wasn't going to blog about it. I really, truly wasn't. But then the overwhelming need to write about this experience overtook me, so here we are... I'm not quite sure what this blog will turn out to be, so we'll let it shape up & take form on its own. As for the design & color scheme... currently it's what I would consider to be fairly gender neutral.. we'll see if that too changes over the course of time (i.e. after we find out the baby's gender in a few weeks!)

In the meantime, I have become a mommy-pinning fanatic, so if you'd like to follow along with me on pinterest I'd be happy to share baby & life inspirations with you there too! I'm noticing that my pins so far contain a lot of baby clothes, nursery ideas, & food... much of which become cravings that I then give in to.  & if you're not on pinterest yet please feel free to shoot me an email & I'd be happy to invite you.

*note this is different than my Sparkle & Hay pinterest account, so if you'd like to see all kinds of pretty wedding goodness please follow along there too!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Erin.... I am so excited for you. Congratulations on your amazing news. This is such an amazing time for you both. I'm sending you all the well wishes in the world.