Sunday, February 5, 2012

16 & A Half Weeks & STARVING

I'm at a point in my pregnancy where I'm feeling good. (albeit still a bit more tired than usual with occasional back/stomach "stretching pains" & very occasional lightheaded-ness, but a million times better than the extreme exhaustion I faced in the first trimester)  Aside from my tummy slowly but surely poking its way further & further into my immediate line of vision when I look down, I would say that my biggest pregnancy symptom right now is... HUNGER.  I'm talking extreme feel-like-I-have-been-stranded-on-a-dessert-island-and-not-eaten-in-days HUNGER.  (not thirst though, I'm staying pleeeenty hydrated throughout the day). 

I was normally (pre-pregnancy) a skip breakfast not eat until (a late) lunch kind of gal.  Not good, I know, but given my late night-owl tendencies (which have also gone away since I have a baby on board) it worked for me. Not anymore.  Now I find myself waking up positively ravenous, with a hunger that is quelled only temporarily (for about an hour) between feedings snacks.  

A now "typical" morning food consumption goes something more like this:

Breakfast: bowl of cheerios with fruit & nonfat milk OR super yummy pregnancy-healthy fruit smoothie (recipe to come)
Drive to Work: String Cheese
1st Morning Snack: Nature Valley or Kashi Granola Bar
2nd Morning Snack: Apple
3rd Morning Snack (yes, this does happen when I still don't take lunch until about 1:30p): Snack baggie of cereal, crackers, or peanuts (depending on what I packed that day)
& finally Lunch: Lately it's been a eggplant & spinach wrap from a local deli that I just can't get enough of.  In the first trimester it was a LOT of Mac & Cheese (often from Panera)

I'll stop there... but that gives you an idea of how hungry this baby is... lord knows how I'm only up 3.5lbs right now...


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