Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Love Cheese (& Macaroni)

& lots of it.  In the first trimester I think I ate some version of mac & cheese about 4-5x a week.  Creamy, comforting, & oh so yummy it just agreed with my stomach when nothing else would.  Well that's not fully true, I actually was very lucky to not get sick once during the first, but I did have a LOT of food aversions. (& still do)  Come to think of it I've been about 95% vegetarian through this entire pregnancy... meat = YUCK to my taste buds right now.

My mac & cheese eating has lessened now (still probably almost once a week though), but these variations still look pretty yummy to me.

(how cute would these be for a future kid's party too?)

(these would probably sink straight to the bottom of my stomach but they look sooooo good!)
& while not Mac&Cheese, these baked brie bites just look so delicious to me...

 oh my do I miss any kind of stinky/moldy/oozy soft cheese... only 5.5 more months...

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